Monday 27 February 2012

Opening sequences

Opening sequences provide an introduction to a film. This is the directors chance to grab the audiences attention.

Some aspects an opening should include:
1. Set the scene to make it clear to the audience where and when the plot is taking place. It also shows the genre e.g. horror having darkness or a teen-flick set in a high school in America.

2. Introduce the antagonist ( or protagonist) or other characters so we get a sense of the world typical environment. In se7en, Morgan Freeman lifestyle is shown in the opening; his home, clothing, personality and job giving the audience a sense of familiarity and understanding.

3. Make the equilibrium obvious and reveal how it will be disrupted, allowing the storyline to unfold. E.g. In legally blonde, Elle's life is shown to be perfect; she has a boyfriend, shes extremely popular; shes the centre of attention; she has alot of designer brands. It is obvious all this will change as it seems to good to be true.

4. Contain music as it complements the mood of the film well. Music is very useful, for example, it can be used to create a happy environment or even create tension in a drama. It is also essential when credits are presented; without music it would seem odd to the audience. Usually, silence is not present in films as characters are speaking or sound effects are used. Therefore, music can be sued to fill in gaps or to pass time.

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